
Frankston Chiropractic



Treatments provided by Wellbeing Natural Health Group


Seeing the increasing number of side effects caused by processed medicines more and more people prefer treatment through natural instead of their being very slow in treating an ailment as compared to processed medicines as it cures the ailment in a natural way without causing any side effect. Wellbeing Natural Health Group is one of the most popular natural health care centres in Frankston, Victoria. It provides several types natural treatments and therapies under one roof.

Wellbeing Natural Health Group provides such a wide range of treatments and therapies under one roof that is difficult to find from anywhere else. It gives the patients and people wanting to avoid pain in various parts of their body to choose from a wide range of natural therapies.

Wellness Natural Health Group provides treatments like Acupressure, Aromatherapy, Ayurveda, Chiropractic, Hypnotherapy, Dry needling, Healing consultants, Holistic health, Hot stones, kids Chiropractic, Kids massage, Meditation, Myotheraphy, Relaxation massage and lots more. Till few years only people suffering from pain in any part of their body used to visit this centre, but in today’s date besides those suffering people who want to know about preventive measure also visit this health centre. People who understand the need to take care of their own and family’s health go for practical methods to reach at the peak of their physical and emotional health. This centre offers the service of 21 in house natural therapy in two different locations. Furthermore, it also has a trusted network of two associated health professionals who are referred to on daily basis.

Frankston Chiro


Frankston Chiro

Chiropractic is a kind of alternative medication that aims at detection and treatment of mechanical disorders of the musculoskeletal system especially the spine. It is usually believed that these disorders affect the general human health. It is mainly a manual therapy, yet in some cases it may involve a few exercises, health and lifestyle counseling. Wellbeing Natural Health Group is one of the prominent Chiropractic centres at Frankston, Victoria.This centre is known for providing the most modern Chiropractic therapy such as Cupping, Accupuncture and Hot stone.

Wellbeing Natural Health Group is basically visited by people who are suffering from pain in various parts of their body. But in today’s date the trend is shifting and more and more are coming to this center to know how they can avoid pain in different parts of their body. At this natural health care centre, the patients who are suffering from pain in any part of their body and those who want to prevent it are offered the services 21 in house consultants who specialize in 27 disciplines. Moreover, this center has a reliable network of experienced health care professionals to whom it refers the patients on a daily basis. All the aspects of the treatment are tailored to enhance the innate ability of the patient’s body to heal itself.

Dr Krathy Rasch is one of the senior most chiropractor at Wellbeing Natural Health Care Group. She had literally spent many hours of training as classical ballerina after her initial Chiropractic adjustment. After that she made her mind to become a chiropractor. Krathy graduated from RMIT( Melbourne ) after five year degree course in Chiropractic. She has completed further studies in Chiropractic Paedeatrics, nutrition and Childbirth education.

Dr Krathy’s consultation can consist of Chiropractic for all ages Wellness coaching and counseling. Energetic balancing Medication or Nutritional plans. She also attends athletes, some of them perform at the national level who besides daily care prefer to have chiropractic adjustment and energetic tune up ahead of major performances so that they their 100%. She had been also conducting Meditation evenings for the last 12 years, which has been providing supportive and nurturing environment. The main motto of Dr Krathy’s holistic coaching and healing is to develop the understanding of the heart, mind and body.

2015 Fetchs Krathy’s new workshop “Soul” which is a single day workshop covering Wellness Lifestyle, Understanding Energy, learning meditation and enhancing deeper connection with soul. The main aim is to bring more In 2011 she was honored to be a co -author with Australian visionary and wellbeing visionary Cyndi O’Meara in “Abundant Health”. She is thinking of publishing a book in the next twelve months or so.

Dr Krathy further says, ” I love to “see” people’s problems on different levels, and offer unique solution strategies and solution for their issues. In this day and age, people are looking for complete resolution of their problems, not just a single aspect of it. It is so exciting to be able to offer that.”

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