
Chiropractic is a kind of alternative medicine whose main motto is to detect and treat any kind of medical ailments of the musculoskeletal system for instance spine. These ailments affect the general health of human beings. It is basically manual therapy, but in some cases it also involves a few exercises, health and lifestyle counseling. Wellbeing Natural Health Group is one of the prominent Frankston Victoria. This centre is known for providing the most advanced Chiropractic therapies like Cupping, Accupressure and Hot stone.

Wellbeing Natural Health Group is usually visited by people who are suffering from pain in various parts of their body. Now the trend is shifting and today   more and more people are visiting this centre to know how they can avoid in various parts of their body. At the centre the patients who are suffering from pain different parts of their body and also those who want to know about people who want to know how they can avoid pain in different parts of their body or provide service of 21 experts in house doctors specializing in 27 various disciplines.

Dr Krathy Rasch is one of the senior most Chiropractor practicing in the Wellbeing natural Health Centre. She had undergone many hours of training as a classical ballerina post to her initial chiropractic adjustment. Post to that she made up her mind to become a chiropractor. Krathy graduated from RIMP(Melbourne) and five year degree course in chiropractic. She had pursued her further studies in Chiropractic Paediatrics, nutrition and childbirth education.

Dr Krathy’s consultation can consist of Christopractic for all age, wellness coaching and counseling. She also has the record of attending athletes, some of whom perform at the national level who besides daily care prefer to have chiropractic adjustment also prefer to have an energetic tune up prior to major performances. She has also been conducting Meditation evenings for the last 12 years.

2015 brings out Krathy’s new workshop “Soul”which is a one day workshop covering Wellness Lifestyle Understanding, Understanding Energy, learning meditation and deeper connection with soul. The aim is to bring more in 2011. She was also honored to be co – author of Australian visionary and wellness   visionary and wellbeing visionary Cyndi O’Meara in “Abundant Health”.

Dr Krathy further quotes,” I love people to”see” people ‘s problems on different levels, and offer unique solution strategies and solution for their issues. In this day and age, people are looking for complete resolution of their problems, not just a single aspect of it. It is so exiting to offer that. “